Our Community
Ministries at Grace
The Men of Grace (MOG) encompasses all stages of life and seeks to help men discover how to become Godly disciples of Christ. Programs include group activities and programs ranging from Bible studies, socials, BBQ’s, an annual retreat, volunteer opportunities and more. Contact Community Director Bo Beatty.
The Women’s Ministry at Grace encourages women of all ages to study God’s word, volunteer in our communities, serve in our church and most importantly developing meaningful friendships. The variety of programs and events offer something for everyone, from morning and evening Bible studies, book groups, retreats, socials, service opportunities and more. Connect with Pastoral Care Associate Carla Gatto.
The priority of our Grace Kids program is to come alongside parents as they take the lead in the spiritual development of their children. We equip, encourage, and minister to families by providing resources and opportunities that help them worship and learn together. Ultimately, our prayer is to have every child come to know Christ and develop a vibrant faith in Him. Contact Children’s Ministry Director Adrienne McManus.
We love Middle School students, and our gatherings provide a safe place for open discussions about all facets of life for 6th-8th graders, including the challenges they face in school, with friends, and in their communities. Together we’ll develop friendships and look at real-life topics and issues through the lens of the Bible. Connect with Middle School Youth Directors Chris or Elena Jackson.
GT is our high school ministry, and we’re all about growing in our faith as we spend time together on Sunday mornings, serve in our communities, and navigate life within our family, school and commitments. We want to walk alongside your teens to encourage them to build healthy relationships, understand and use Biblical principles as their road map, learn how to make wise choices and influence their friends for Christ. Upon graduation, our prayer is that each student has a solid foundation of faith on which they can depend and thrive as they enter the “real world”. Reach out to Youth Pastor Rob Knechtle.
Grace Young Adults is a thriving ministry for those in their twenties and thirties. Open to all, we offer engaging bi-weekly Bible studies following the Sunday service. We host monthly social activities and events, as well as opportunities to serve within the church community. Connect with Adam Arias.