Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
-2 Corinthians 9:7
How do our financial gifts support the church?
When we experience God’s love, we want to share it with others. When we give a portion of what God has given us to Grace Community Church, we become partners in the important mission of our church which includes Evangelism (sharing the message of Jesus Christ), Discipleship (growing people in their faith), Building Community (developing friendships through small groups and various ministries), and Serving (each other and those in need.)
Each and every donation helps us achieve the goal of expanding and improving our most important ministries for men, women, children, teens, community service, local and international missions, and more. Your tithes, gifts, offerings, and prayer are the fuel that runs our church.
During the “offering” time in our service, you can place cash or checks in the offering baskets as they are passed.
Make checks payable to Grace Community Church. Our mailing address is: Grace Community Church, P.O. Box 422, New Canaan Ct 06840
You can “Text to Give” a specific dollar amount to (203) 920-4644, or make an online donation, payment or recurring gift HERE.
You can donate stock and annuities at any time. Please connect with Treasurer Phil Kim HERE.
You can leave a financial legacy for Grace Community Church through a variety of planned gifts. Please connect with Treasurer Phil Kim HERE.
If your company or employer has a corporate philanthropy program, speak with them about how to initiate a matching gift to Grace Community Church, then connect with Treasurer Phil Kim HERE.