our mission
Grace Community Church exists to change lives for the better by helping people to know Jesus Christ, to grow in Christ-like character and to live out authentic Christian community, by serving the world, and one another.
community, ministry & personal growth
Community is God’s dream for mankind, community with God and one another. Community requires loving and being loved, knowing and being known, serving and being served, celebrating and being celebrated. It is built upon actions; "what can I do for you", "love pays attention", "encourage one another", "serve one another", and where there is conflict, "forgive one another".
We mutually grow in Christ-like character through worship, Biblical teaching, personal Bible study, individual and group prayer and fellowship.
We build community and carry out ministry through small groups and ministry teams.
our unique role
Reaching and discipling requires that we be refreshingly different than the cultural perception of a church and sensitive to the stereotypes that will close hearts and minds to Christ. To that end, we strive for:
Teaching that is Biblically-based, intellectually engaging, well grounded and culturally relevant.
Music that is contemporary, participatory and inspires worship.
Culturally relevant arts and media that communicates Biblical principles.
Authentic community, where love and grace produce unity and discipleship in Christ.
A relaxed, welcoming environment where people are themselves before God and with one another. As a non-denominational church, we intentionally do not have "church membership" because everyone is welcome.