Our Core Values
There are five key elements of ministry at Grace Community Church.
Our worship services are designed to build up those who believe and to challenge those who doubt or seek. Through music, drama and culturally relevant sermons we are able to communicate about God and to grow in our knowledge and faith in him.
Grace Community Church exists to ignite a movement that changes the people and community in which we live in every dimension; spiritual, social and cultural. We encourage an open dialogue about the questions and issues that people face and grow together through that process.
Personal growth
Personal growth occurs from an expanding relationship with the Living God. God has made himself clearly known to us through the Bible. Through the study of scripture we deepen our relationship with God and through prayer we bring his presence into our lives.
Meaningful relationships are built on a small scale by spending time together. In order that we might know and serve one another, smaller groups of couples or families meet in one another’s homes on a regular basis.
We strongly believe that we can do the most for God by dispersing authority to motivated, talented individuals and groups in each area of service to encourage servant-leadership. We make a special effort to help each person identify their unique abilities so that they can know how to serve the Lord most effectively.